Scientific classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Clade: Synapsida
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Primates
- Suborder: Haplorhini
- Family: Hominidae
- Genus: Pongo
- Species: P. pygmaeus
The Bornean Orangutan is one of the two only great apes of Asia. Characterised by a wide face due to broad cheeks, a short beard and dark colouring this species differs slightly in appearance from the Sumatran Orangutan, the other great ape species of Asia. Inhabiting the lowland, tropical and mountain forests of Borneo, today there are around 45,000 to 69,000 currently remaining.
Like other orangutan species, the Bornean Orangutan plays an essential role in the well-being of forests in the area, allowing for seed dispersal to take place. Relying on trees for their existence, they rarely spend time the forest floor. This species food source is found in the trees in which it inhabits, primarily being fruit. A rather solitary species, they are not particularly fond of spending time with others and likewise are apprehensive of humans.
The Bornean Orangutan is a critically endangered species, certainly due to human interaction with the animal and its habitat. Deforestation is having a shocking impact, with much of the forest being cleared, with no regard to the animal’s welfare. Much of the forest is then converted into agricultural land, leaving confused orangutans which enter agricultural land desperately seeking food and as a consequence are shot. The illegal pet trade is harrowing, with many willing to pay extortionate sums of money for the illegal capturing and distribution of young orangutans. Hunting is an additional threat, with evidence that in areas in Kalimantan, skulls are sold for up to $70.
Despite many who are irresponsible and are killing off the Bornean Orangutan, many at the same time are striving to save the animal. Conservation programmes are allowing for protection of the animal’s habitat as well as strict enforcement of rules in cooperation with government organisations to avoid hunting and illegal pet trade from continuing and expanding.